GitHubUpdaterDelegate Reference

© (c) 2017, Jean-David Gadina -
Sunday, June 18, 2017
  • <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

Protocol GitHubUpdaterDelegate


Extends Protocol

- classForUpdaterInstallWindowController:

Returns the class to use for the install window controller.

- ( Class )classForUpdaterInstallWindowController: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater;


This allows you to specify a custom class for the install window controller, if you need customization. Note that the returned class must inherit from `GitHubInstallWindowController`.

  • updater
    The updater object
Return value

The class to use

Notes: This method is optional.

- classForUpdaterProgressWindowController:

Returns the class to use for the progress window controller.

- ( Class )classForUpdaterProgressWindowController: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater;


This allows you to specify a custom class for the progress window controller, if you need customization. Note that the returned class must inherit from `GitHubProgressWindowController`.

  • updater
    The updater object
Return value

The class to use

Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:didShowInstallWindowController:

Called when the updater has shown an install window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater didShowInstallWindowController: ( GitHubInstallWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:didShowProgressWindowController:

Called when the updater has shown a progress window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater didShowProgressWindowController: ( GitHubProgressWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:didShowProgressWindowController:

Called when the updater has shown an install window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater didShowInstallWindowController: ( GitHubInstallWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:releasesWithData:error:

Gets releases from a data object

- ( nullable NSArray< GitHubRelease * > * )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater releasesWithData: ( NSData * )data error: ( NSError * __autoreleasing * )error;


You may implement this method if you need to customize the parsing of updates data, with a different behaviour than using JSON data from GitHub releases.

  • updater
    The updater object
  • data
    The data object fetched from the update URL
  • error
    An optional pointer to an error object
Return value

An array of release objects, if any

Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:urlForUpdatesWithUser:repository:proposedURL:

Returns the URL for the update check.

- ( NSURL * )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater urlForUpdatesWithUser: ( NSString * )user repository: ( NSString * )repository proposedURL: ( NSURL * )proposedURL;


You may implement this if you need to customize the update URL, for instance if you use another servcie than GitHub.

  • updater
    The updater object
  • user
    The user name
  • repository
    The repository name
  • proposedURL
    The proposed, default URL
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:version:isNewerThanVersion:

Determines if a version is newer than another version

- ( BOOL )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater version: ( GitHubVersion * )v1 isNewerThanVersion: ( GitHubVersion * )v2;


You may implement this method if you need to customize the way versions are compared.

  • updater
    The updater object
  • v1
    The first version
  • v2
    The second version
Return value

YES if the first version is newer, otherwise NO

Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:versionForRelease:

Gets a version object for a release.

- ( GitHubVersion * )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater versionForRelease: ( GitHubRelease * )release;


You may implement this method if you need to customize the way version numbers are created from releases. If not implemented, the tag name will be used as version number.

  • updater
    The updater object
  • release
    The release object
Return value

A version object for the release

Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willCloseInstallWindowController:

Called when the updater is about to close an install window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willCloseInstallWindowController: ( GitHubInstallWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willCloseProgressWindowController:

Called when the updater is about to close a progress window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willCloseProgressWindowController: ( GitHubProgressWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willDisplayAlert:withError:

Called when the updater is about to display an error alert.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willDisplayAlert: ( NSAlert * )alert withError: ( NSError * )error;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • alert
    The alert object
  • error
    The error object
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willDisplayUpToDateAlert:

Called when the updater is about to display an up-to-date alert.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willDisplayUpToDateAlert: ( NSAlert * )alert;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • alert
    The alert object
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willShowInstallWindowController:

Called when the updater is about to show an install window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willShowInstallWindowController: ( GitHubInstallWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updater:willShowProgressWindowController:

Called when the updater is about to show a progress window.

- ( void )updater: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater willShowProgressWindowController: ( GitHubProgressWindowController * )controller;

  • updater
    The updater object
  • controller
    The window controller
Notes: This method is optional.

- updaterShouldCheckForDrafts:

Implement if you need to check for draft updates.

- ( BOOL )updaterShouldCheckForDrafts: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater;

  • updater
    The updater object
Return value

YES if the updater should check for draft updates, otherwise NO

Notes: This method is optional.

- updaterShouldCheckForPrereleases:

Implement if you need to check for prerelease updates.

- ( BOOL )updaterShouldCheckForPrereleases: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater;

  • updater
    The updater object
Return value

YES if the updater should check for prerelease updates, otherwise NO

Notes: This method is optional.

- updaterShouldCheckForUpdatesInBackground:

Whether the updater is allowed to check for updates in background.

- ( BOOL )updaterShouldCheckForUpdatesInBackground: ( GitHubUpdater * )updater;


By implementing this method, you can control if the updater can check for updates in background. This method has no effect on user-initiated update checks, using `- [ GitHubUpdater checkForUpdates: ]`. It will only be able to control `- [ GitHubUpdater checkForUpdatesInBackground ]`.

  • updater
    The updater object
Return value

YES if the updater should check for updates in background, otherwise NO

Notes: This method is optional.