ClangKit tutorial


In order to build the framework, you'll first need to build Clang/LLVM.
Sources are not provided, as it would take a lot of repository space.

A makefile is provided to ease the build process.
Clang/LLVM sources will be automatically checked-out from the SVN repositories.

From the ClangKit directory, `cd` inside the `ClangKit/LLVM` directory and type:


This will check-out the Clang/LLVM source and build the required libraries.

You'll then be able to build the framework, and use it from other Xcode projects.

Basic usage

The first class you'll need to use is `CKTranslationUnit`.
It can be instantiated from an existing file, or from a `NSString`.

CKTranslationUnit * tu;

/* Instantiation from an existing file */
tu = [ CKTranslationUnit translationUnitWithPath: @"~/some/file.c" ];

/* Instantiation from a string */
tu = [ CKTranslationUnit translationUnitWithText: @"int main( void ) { return 0; }\n" ];

Once you got an existing instance of `CKTranslationUnit`, you can set the text to be parsed using the `text` property, even if the file has not yet been saved.

tu.text = @"int main( void ) { return 1; }\n";

This may be useful for code editors which managed unsaved files.


Tokens can be retrieved from a `CKTranslationUnit` instance using the `tokens` property:

NSLog( @"%@", tu.tokens );

It returns an array of `CKToken` instances, each one containing the token type, as well as the line number, column number and text range.

Token types are:

CKTokenKind CKTokenKindPunctuation;
CKTokenKind CKTokenKindKeyword;
CKTokenKind CKTokenKindIdentifier;
CKTokenKind CKTokenKindLiteral;
CKTokenKind CKTokenKindComment;


Each token has an associated cursor (the `cursor` property), that you can use to retrieve extended informations about the symbol.

Cursors are the key for everything, and it would take too much lines describing all their features.
Take a look at the code, and maybe read some official Clang documentation.


Diagnostics are available through the `diagnostics` property.
It returns an array of `CKDiagnostic` instances, each one containing the diagnostic severity and message.

Diagnostic severities are:

CKDiagnosticSeverity CKDiagnosticSeverityIgnored;
CKDiagnosticSeverity CKDiagnosticSeverityNote;
CKDiagnosticSeverity CKDiagnosticSeverityWarning;
CKDiagnosticSeverity CKDiagnosticSeverityError;
CKDiagnosticSeverity CKDiagnosticSeverityFatal;


Each `CKDiagnostic` instance may contains fix-its, through its `fixIts` property.
`CKFixIt` instances contain the fix-it text, as well as a `NSRange`, indicating where the text should be added/replaced.

Code completion

Code completion results can be retrieved from a translation unit (`CKTranslationUnit`):

- ( NSArray * )completionResultsForLine: ( NSUInteger )line column: ( NSUInteger )column;

Given a specific line and column, you'll be able to get completion results for that specific location.
The results array will contains instances of `CKCompletionResult`.

Each `CKCompletionResult` may contain several chunks (`CKCompletionChunk`), accessible to its `chunks` property.
The chunks are used to describe the completion result.


Here's a basic example:

#include <ClangKit/ClangKit.h>

int main( void )
CKTranslationUnit * tu;

tu = [ CKTranslationUnit translationUnitWithText: @"int main( void ) { return 0; }"
language: CKLanguageC
args: [ NSArray arrayWithObject: @"-Weverything" ]

NSLog( @"%@", tu.diagnostics );
NSLog( @"%@", tu.tokens );

return 0;

The output will be:

"<CKDiagnostic: 0x101c00710>: Warning[1:31] - warning: no newline at end of file [-Wnewline-eof]"
"<CKToken: 0x100715920>: Keyword[1:1] int (FunctionDecl)",
"<CKToken: 0x100720970>: Identifier[1:5] main (FunctionDecl)",
"<CKToken: 0x100720f40>: Punctuation[1:9] ( (FunctionDecl)",
"<CKToken: 0x100721540>: Keyword[1:11] void (FunctionDecl)",
"<CKToken: 0x100721b60>: Punctuation[1:16] ) (FunctionDecl)",
"<CKToken: 0x100722160>: Punctuation[1:18] { (CompoundStmt)",
"<CKToken: 0x100722760>: Keyword[1:20] return (ReturnStmt)",
"<CKToken: 0x1007229e0>: Literal[1:27] 0 (IntegerLiteral)",
"<CKToken: 0x100722fc0>: Punctuation[1:28] ; (CompoundStmt)",
"<CKToken: 0x1007235a0>: Punctuation[1:30] } (CompoundStmt)"