ClangKit translation unit class
Gets completion results for a specific line and column
- ( NSArray * )completionResultsForLine: ( NSUInteger )line
column: ( NSUInteger )column;
An array of completion results
Initializes a translation unit with a path
- ( id )initWithPath: ( NSString * )path;
The translation unit objectb
Initializes a translation unit from a path and arguments
- ( id )initWithPath: ( NSString * )path args: ( NSArray * )args;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a path and an index
- ( id )initWithPath: ( NSString * )path index: ( CKIndex * )index;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a path, index and arguments
- ( id )initWithPath: ( NSString * )path index: ( CKIndex * )index
args: ( NSArray * )args;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a text
- ( id )initWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a text and arguments
- ( id )initWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
args: ( NSArray * )args;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a text and an index
- ( id )initWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
index: ( CKIndex * )index;
The translation unit object
Initializes a translation unit from a text, index and arguments
- ( id )initWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
index: ( CKIndex * )index args: ( NSArray * )args;
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a path
+ ( id )translationUnitWithPath: ( NSString * )path;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a path and arguments
+ ( id )translationUnitWithPath: ( NSString * )path args: ( NSArray * )args;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a path and an index
+ ( id )translationUnitWithPath: ( NSString * )path index: ( CKIndex * )index;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a path, index and arguments
+ ( id )translationUnitWithPath: ( NSString * )path index: ( CKIndex * )index
args: ( NSArray * )args;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a text
+ ( id )translationUnitWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a text and arguments
+ ( id )translationUnitWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
args: ( NSArray * )args;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a text and an index
+ ( id )translationUnitWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
index: ( CKIndex * )index;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Gets a translation unit from a text, index and arguments
+ ( id )translationUnitWithText: ( NSString * )text language: ( CKLanguage )language
index: ( CKIndex * )index args: ( NSArray * )args;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The translation unit object
Internal libclang translation unit object
@property( atomic,
readonly ) CXTranslationUnit cxTranslationUnit;