ClangKit cursor class
Gets a cursor from a location and a translation unit
+ ( id )cursorWithLocation: ( CKSourceLocation * )location
translationUnit: ( CKTranslationUnit * )translationUnit;
The returned object is autoreleased.
The cursor object
Initializes a cursor with a location and a translation unit
- ( id )initWithLocation: ( CKSourceLocation * )location
translationUnit: ( CKTranslationUnit * )translationUnit;
The cursor object
The cursor containing the cursor's definition
@property( atomic,
readonly ) CKCursor * definition;
Whether the cursor is an attribute of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isAttribute;
Whether the cursor is a declaration of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isDeclaration;
Whether the cursor is a definition of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isDefinition;
Whether the cursor is an expression of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isExpression;
Whether the cursor is preprocessing of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isPreprocessing;
Whether the cursor is a reference of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isReference;
Whether the cursor is a statement of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isStatement;
Whether the cursor is a translation unit of rot
@property( atomic,
readonly ) BOOL isTranslationUnit;
The cursor containing the cursor's lexical parent
@property( atomic,
readonly ) CKCursor * lexicalParent;
The cursor containing the cursor's semantic parent
@property( atomic,
readonly ) CKCursor * semanticParent;
Cursor kind - Address label expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindAddrLabelExpr;
Cursor kind - Annotate attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindAnnotateAttr;
Cursor kind - Subscript expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindArraySubscriptExpr;
Cursor kind - Assembly label attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindAsmLabelAttr;
Cursor kind - Assembly statement
Cursor kind - Binary operator
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindBinaryOperator;
Cursor kind - Block expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindBlockExpr;
Cursor kind - Break statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindBreakStmt;
Cursor kind - Call expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCallExpr;
Cursor kind - Case statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCaseStmt;
Cursor kind - Character literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCharacterLiteral;
Cursor kind - Class declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindClassDecl;
Cursor kind - Class template
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindClassTemplate;
Cursor kind - Template partial specialization
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindClassTemplatePartialSpecialization;
Cursor kind - Coumpound assignment operator
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCompoundAssignOperator;
Cursor kind - Coumpound literal expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCompoundLiteralExpr;
Cursor kind - Coumpound statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCompoundStmt;
Cursor kind - Conditional operator
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindConditionalOperator;
Cursor kind - Constructor
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindConstructor;
Cursor kind - Continue statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindContinueStmt;
Cursor kind - Conversion function
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindConversionFunction;
Cursor kind - C-style cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCStyleCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ access specifier
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXAccessSpecifier;
Cursor kind - C++ base specifier
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXBaseSpecifier;
Cursor kind - C++ bool literal expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXBoolLiteralExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ catch statement
Cursor kind - C++ const cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXConstCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ delete expression
Cursor kind - C++ dynamic cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXDynamicCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ final attribute
Cursor kind - C++ for range statement
Cursor kind - C++ functional cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXFunctionalCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ method
Cursor kind - C++ new expression
Cursor kind - C++ nullptr literal expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ override attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXOverrideAttr;
Cursor kind - C++ reinterpret cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXReinterpretCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ static cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindCXXStaticCastExpr;
Cursor kind - C++ this expression
Cursor kind - C++ throw expression
Cursor kind - C++ try statement
Cursor kind - C++ typeid expression
Cursor kind - Declaration reference expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindDeclRefExpr;
Cursor kind - Declaration statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindDeclStmt;
Cursor kind - Default statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindDefaultStmt;
Cursor kind - Destructor
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindDestructor;
Cursor kind - Enumeration constant declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindEnumConstantDecl;
Cursor kind - Enumeration declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindEnumDecl;
Cursor kind - Field declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFieldDecl;
Cursor kind - First attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstAttr;
Cursor kind - First declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstDecl;
Cursor kind - First expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstExpr;
Cursor kind - First invalid
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstInvalid;
Cursor kind - First preprocessing
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstPreprocessing;
Cursor kind - First reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstRef;
Cursor kind - First statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFirstStmt;
Cursor kind - Floating point literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFloatingLiteral;
Cursor kind - Function declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFunctionDecl;
Cursor kind - Function template
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindFunctionTemplate;
Cursor kind - Generic selection expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindGenericSelectionExpr;
Cursor kind - GNU NULL expression
Cursor kind - Goto statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindGotoStmt;
Cursor kind - IBAction attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIBActionAttr;
Cursor kind - IBOutlet attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIBOutletAttr;
Cursor kind - IBOutlet attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIBOutletAttr;
Cursor kind - IBOutlet collection attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIBOutletCollectionAttr;
Cursor kind - Imaginary number literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindImaginaryLiteral;
Cursor kind - Includion directive
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindInclusionDirective;
Cursor kind - Indirect goto statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIndirectGotoStmt;
Cursor kind - List initializer expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindInitListExpr;
Cursor kind - Integer literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindIntegerLiteral;
Cursor kind - Invalid code
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindInvalidCode;
Cursor kind - Invalid file
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindInvalidFile;
Cursor kind - Label reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLabelRef;
Cursor kind - Label statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLabelStmt;
Cursor kind - Lambda expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLambdaExpr;
Cursor kind - Last attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastAttr;
Cursor kind - Last declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastDecl;
Cursor kind - Last expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastExpr;
Cursor kind - Last invalid
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastInvalid;
Cursor kind - Last proprocessing
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastPreprocessing;
Cursor kind - Last reference
Cursor kind - Last statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLastStmt;
Cursor kind - Linkage specifier
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindLinkageSpec;
Cursor kind - Macro definition
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindMacroDefinition;
Cursor kind - Macro expansion
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindMacroExpansion;
Cursor kind - Macro instantiation
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindMacroInstantiation;
Cursor kind - Member reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindMemberRef;
Cursor kind - Member reference expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindMemberRefExpr;
Cursor kind - MS assembly statement
Cursor kind - Namespace alias
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNamespaceAlias;
Cursor kind - Namespace reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNamespaceRef;
Cursor kind - Ne declaration found
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNoDeclFound;
Cursor kind - Non type template parameter
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNonTypeTemplateParameter;
Cursor kind - Not implemented
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNotImplemented;
Cursor kind - NULL statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindNullStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @catch statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCAtCatchStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @finally statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCAtFinallyStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @synchronized statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCAtSynchronizedStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @throw statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCAtThrowStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @try statement
Cursor kind - Objective-C @autoreleasepool statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C bool literal expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCBoolLiteralExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C bridged cast expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCBridgedCastExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C category declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCCategoryDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C category implementation declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCCategoryImplDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C class method declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCClassMethodDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C class reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCClassRef;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @dynamic
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCDynamicDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @encode expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCEncodeExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C for collection statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCForCollectionStmt;
Cursor kind - Objective-C implementation declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCImplementationDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C instance method declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCInstanceMethodDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C interface declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCInterfaceDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C instance variable declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCIvarDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C message expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCMessageExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C property declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCPropertyDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C protocol declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCProtocolDecl;
Cursor kind - Objective-C
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCProtocolExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C protocol reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCProtocolRef;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @selector expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCSelectorExpr;
Cursor kind - Objective-C string literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCStringLiteral;
Cursor kind - Objective-C superclass reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCSuperClassRef;
Cursor kind - Objective-C @synthesize declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindObjCSynthesizeDecl;
Cursor kind - Overloaded declaration reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindOverloadedDeclRef;
Cursor kind - Pack expansion expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindPackExpansionExpr;
Cursor kind - Parenthesis expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindParenExpr;
Cursor kind - Parameter declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindParmDecl;
Cursor kind - Preprocessing directive
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindPreprocessingDirective;
Cursor kind - Return statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindReturnStmt;
Cursor kind - SEH except statement
Cursor kind - SEH finally statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindSEHFinallyStmt;
Cursor kind - SEH try statement
Cursor kind - Size of pack expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindSizeOfPackExpr;
Cursor kind - Statement expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindStmtExpr;
Cursor kind - String literal
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindStringLiteral;
Cursor kind - Structure declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindStructDecl;
Cursor kind - Switch statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindSwitchStmt;
Cursor kind - Template reference
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTemplateRef;
Cursor kind - Template template parameter
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTemplateTemplateParameter;
Cursor kind - Template type parameter
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTemplateTypeParameter;
Cursor kind - Translation unit
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTranslationUnit;
Cursor kind - Type alias declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTypeAliasDecl;
Cursor kind - Type definition declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindTypedefDecl;
Cursor kind - Type reference
Cursor kind - Unary expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnaryExpr;
Cursor kind - Unary operator
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnaryOperator;
Cursor kind - Unexposed attribute
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnexposedAttr;
Cursor kind - Unexposed declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnexposedDecl;
Cursor kind - Unexposed expression
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnexposedExpr;
Cursor kind - Unexposed statement
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnexposedStmt;
Cursor kind - Union declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUnionDecl;
Cursor kind - Using declaration
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUsingDeclaration;
Cursor kind - Using directive
FOUNDATION_EXPORT CKCursorKind CKCursorKindUsingDirective;
Cursor kind - Variable declaration